Save on your class pricing and take your training to the next level with our flexible ARTOC memberships

Billed every 6 months
- $1320
- 40+% Off
Casual Pricing - 60 Classes within 6 months
- + 5 Free Personal Training sessions
- Access to ARTOC Members Group
- Monthly Check ins
- Video Analysis
- Free ARTOC Events
- 40+% Off

Billed Every 3 Months
- $810
- 26% Off
Casual Pricing - 30 Classes within 3 months
- Access to ARTOC Members Group
- 26% Off

Billed Monthly
- $320
- 12% Off
Casual Pricing - 10 Classes
within 1 month - Access to ARTOC Members Group
- 12% Off
Reviews from you
"I have lost so much weight and gained so much flexibility and strength. Khaled is the personal trainer that taught me to take care of my body, as it is the most important physical asset on earth."
“I honestly would not have started working out or doing calisthenics if it wasn't for you. You have motivated me beyond measure and continue to prove to me that there is no limit to what we are capable of doing with our bodies. When I first started off I thought I was pretty fit and strong for an average guy but reflecting back I realise just how wrong I was. Even now, after reaching past what I thought was possible when I first started, you continue to show and teach me that there is so much to learn. Your training sessions have improved my lifestyle more than I could have imagined. I feel better, I look better, and I have a better mindset, and for that I am thankful.”
“Hey Khaled, I wanted to thank you for helping strengthen myself and challenging me. Training has had a massive impact on my life and I hope to continue for years to come.”
"I wish to thank you for all the training so far as now for the first time ever I could complete a full set of monkey bars hand over hand, but more importantly, am extremely proud I am able to show my 3 year old son how to!”